Specializing in Commercial Law & Litigation, Insolvency & Fraud
Law Firm
A person may be made a Ward of Court where they are found by the Court to lack capacity to make decisions for themselves. While new legislation has been enacted to replace the Wards of Court regime this legislation will not be commenced before the end of 2020. We have extensive experience in wardship matters and regularly appear before the President of the High Court in applications relating to Wards of Court where we have represented public bodies, Committees and have been appointed as guardians on behalf of proposed wards.
An Enduring Power of Attorney enables you to choose and appoint someone you would like to have responsibility for looking after your personal and financial affairs in the event that you lose your mental capacity at some point in the future. This ensures that your affairs can be quickly and simply dealt with by someone you trust, usually a family member.
Where a person is suffering from mental illness it may sometimes be necessary to detain them in a mental health facility, known as an approved centre. The requirements and procedures for detention are set out in the Mental Health Act 2001. We have extensive experience advising and representing parties in mental health matters.
Regrettably, there are times when the rights and interests of children must be determined by the Courts. Our aim is to prioritise the rights of the child and to foster a collaborative approach so that the optimal outcome is achieved. We have advised and represented clients in child care matters at all Court levels including applications brought under the Child Care Act 1991, S. 25 of the Mental Health Act 2001 and special care applications in the High Court.
We act for individuals, families, nursing homes and other healthcare organisations. We aim to build long term relationships with our clients over a lifetime.
Fair Deal Applications
Family Law
Wills and Probate
Personal Injury
Curry & Hickey Solicitors is a specialist law firm with a wealth of experience in healthcare law. At Curry & Hickey we are dedicated to protecting the rights and interests of the most vulnerable in our society. Our experience has given us a unique insight and expertise when it comes to navigating the complex relationship between law and healthcare.


Aileen Curry
Aileen Curry qualified as a solicitor in 2001 and is a partner in the firm. Aileen was previously employed as a Senior Solicitor in the General Solicitors for Minors and Wards of Court. Aileen has a special interest in the law relating to vulnerable adults and minors, wards of court, deprivation of liberty and mental health law. Aileen is a member of the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association Mental Health and Capacity Committee and Probate and Tax Committee. Aileen is also a committee member of the Solicitors for the Elderly.
David Hickey
David Hickey qualified as a solicitor in 2005 and is a partner in the firm. David was previously a partner in a leading national healthcare firm, where he acted principally on behalf of the Health Service Executive and other public bodies. Prior to that David was employed as Director of Mental Health Tribunals and Legal Affairs in the Mental Health Commission and a State Solicitor in the Chief State Solicitor’s Office. David has a special interest in public and administrative law, judicial review, healthcare litigation and mental health law.

Contact Us
Tel: (01) 515 5297
(01) 532 3211
Email: info@curryhickey.ie
Premier Business Centre,
Osprey Hotel,
Devoy Quarter,
Co. Kildare, W91 X40K